Lucy Lilian – Musician


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This is the beautiful Lucy Lilian – a talented violinist, singer, songwriter, video maker and possibly much more.

Looking to further her skills she applied to attend the Inter Harmony Festival in Italy and was accepted by audition.

But how can she afford to get there?

This is a constant problem for talented young Australians, we live a long way from the centres of excellence in creative tutoring.

Listen to this track from Lucy and spare her the price of coffee and cake at least by donating to her site at Go Fund Me. She has until July to raise $5000.



About Lucy Lilian

Lucy Lilian began violin at age 5, studied through to tertiary level,  studying a Bachelor of Music ( classical performance) at the University of Western Australia. Then went on to study a Diploma of jazz at the Western Australian Academy Of Performing Arts. Was a member of the Australian Youth Orchestra (1997), Touring to Sydney then China with soloist David Pereira, former lead cellist of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra . 

Lucy has performed professionally in a variety of orchestras, ensembles, as a instrumental soloist , for supports and productions such as The Russian Ballet Company (Swan Lake),  Jesus Christ Superstar, Day on the Green ( Rod Stewart ), Marina Prior, Pete Murray, Wendy Mathews, Tex Perkins ( Big Day Out and Wignalls Winery Bluesfest, WA), Rhonda Birchmore, Human Nature , Iva Davies, Greg Arnold ( Things of Stone and  Wood) , Michael Franti, Rolf Harris and most recently, musical comedian Tim Minchin at the Sydney Opera House. Lucy has performed improvising with bands at festivals such as Bridgetown Blues festival, Queenscliff Music Festival , WestCoast Blues and Roots and Broome Blues and roots. Classically, Lucy will be heading to InterHarmony Festival in Italy to study with some of Europes finest teachers and performers, including international violin virtuoso Vadim Repin .

Lucy has recently completed a Bachelor of Film Production (SAE Institute ) and is currently undertaking a Diploma ( Electronic Music Production) also at SAE Institute.

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