Tim Cope’s epic trek across the Eurasian Steppe became a T.V documentary series before it finally made it into book form.
Here he shares with us a little of the struggle to achieve that result, and how along the way he learnt many valuable lessons on the art of life and writing .

Music is ‘Tigon’s song’ from the CD ‘On the Trail of Genghis Khan’ soundtrack by Cye Wood and Lisa Gerrard.

And now a word from Tigon…..
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When I was arranging for Tim to come into the Bay FM studios to record this interview live, he asked if his dog Tigon could come into the studio with him.
Although the station has a ’no-dogs’ policy I had been alerted to the fact that Tigon, when presented with music that meets his approval , loved to sing along!
So we allowed Tigon in on the condition that he give us a little recital, the results of which are below.
Music ‘Arraya’ by Cye Wood from the CD ‘Arraya’.